Arlaadi Aid welcomes you to this Re-designed Website

Wednesday March 22, 2017 - 18:08:34
Arlaadi Aid
The Chairman, Board of Directors, Management and staff of Arlaadi Aid wish to extend a warm welcome to all visitors to this website, The new site features a visually appealing design integrated into a user friendly interface making it easy for you to navigate the site.
The 21st century is characterized by technological advancement. It is therefore extremely difficult for any organisation, whether public or private, to survive without a website.

To this end, our improved web presence is designed to assist in further promoting the organization's objectives and services through the timely delivery of information to our stake holders.

Arlaadi aid is an independent organization that was merely created to rebuild and develop Somalia. This organization was created on December- 12 -2014. Since it is inception members of the Somali in the diaspora have gathered and established this organization with the aim of alleviating poverty, building strong community, economy, education and peace. 

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